
Saturday, September 11, 2010

more wedding pictures

Me, Anna, Emma, Elise, Rachel, Craig and Caroline, a couple of hours after our 22 hour, straight-through from Columbia, Missouri, drive.

Me with Travis, Ashlee, Aubrey and Brandi - missing Preston and wishing he was here with us, and not still in Afghanistan - not sure why Rhianne didn't make it in this picture at least?

Ever since Craig and I got married it has been my dream to be one big happy family. Well, it's taken some time and work and we're still not one-hundred percent there but things are getting better all the time. This is our first "all-of-us" family picture - minus Emma and Britney who ran off and didn't make it in the photo, and Preston, Clayton, Chandler, Cole and Morgan, who weren't there (plus Eric and Mary, who were :). Getting everyone together in one place at the same time is just about impossible - but I'm happy to have this many of us together, at least :)

Five weeks later, Rhianne and Hayden are back from Savannah for a month, so we went to the Farm at Thanksgiving Point. Hayden liked feeding the goats and sheep but this big guy was a little intimidating.

Hands down, Hayden's liked the pony ride the best. He got to ride twice and didn't want to get off the horse either time when the ride was done.